How You can Achieve Your Goals like Jim Carey did

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The importance of setting goals

With the importance of setting goals identified, it is time to start identifying what yours are by following these five principles:

  1. Be specific – You should not over complicate your goal, you need to have a clear path of how you will get there and what you need to do each step of the way
  2. Be measurable – Your goals should be time-phased with exact months and dates that you want to achieve them by. We would encourage setting out your outlines for your goals first and then what smaller goals you need to meet in between to reach those. This could be done by creating a quarterly plan, so for every 90 days a smaller goal is set to aid your outcome goal. By separating your goal plan into quarters, this will seem less daunting.
  3. Be challenging – As per the Locke & Latham theory, one study suggests that 90% of the time, specific and challenging (but not too challenging) goals led to higher performance than easy, or “do your best” goals.* You need to think about what exactly you want to achieve and what potential barriers there are on the way.
  4. Be appropriate – Your goals should be suitable to what you want to achieve. If your goal is to have a promotion at work then you would not set a goal of finding a new job, this would not be appropriate.
  5. Be realistic – Think about whether your goals are achievable before setting them out. Are you willing to put the time in to reach your goal? Is the goal achievable with your lifestyle? These are all factors that need to be considered when setting out your goals.

What to do next with your goals

How coaching can help you achieve your goals

Goals are important for keeping you focused and staying motivated. With every small goal ticked off, it will leave you feeling rewarded and encouraged towards ultimate success. Remember, it may be a challenge but there is always a way of reflecting and continually learning.



^Mark H McCormack, 1994, What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School